[Be vigilant]. Increasing number of attempts to impersonate Eiffage and its subsidiaries (use of false e-mail addresses, fraudulent websites, etc.). Read more here.


Our greenhouse gas reduction targets

They were adopted as part of our decision to align ourselves with the 1.5°C trajectory for all our businesses.

  • Scopes 1 and 2: 46% reduction in emissions by 2030*.
  • On scope 3 upstream and downstream direct, 30% reduction in emissions by 2030*.
  • Carbon neutrality by 2050 at the latest

* compared to 2019

Supporting energy transition

Reinforcing safety in existing nuclear power plants, developing plural and renewable energies and improving energy performance are major challenges in a worldwide context of the fight against global warming.

Faced with this strategic social, economic and environmental challenge, Eiffage Group has chosen to implement a three-pronged energy performance policy. We aim to

  • continually improve our technical and commercial solutions, integrating energy performance standards into new build and upgrading
  • enhance the value of renewable energies
  • optimize our own energy performance.

In this way, Eiffage supports clients on their production infrastructure, energy equipment and industrial process projects throughout the world.

Read the Group’s 2022 climate report.


Eiffage's commitment to the future

Eiffage shows its sustainable development policy and actions on its website. Here you'll find the latest content on Eiffage's CSR activities, skills and expertise in sustainable cities and infrastructure.

L’ élément suivant est une vidéo Eiffage’s ten-year commitment to the climate

Dans la vidéo ci-après, vous découvrirez For over ten years, in our position as integrator for cities and sustainable infrastructure, we have been aware of the challenges involved in achieving sustainable growth. Together with our customers, suppliers and partners, we are mobilizing all our skills to contribute to the ecological transition. We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint and conserving the living environment.